Friday, May 18, 2007


What follows herein has been taken directly from The Children of the Law of One - The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel, but paraphrased where possible.

The name of this order is unfamiliar and odd to most people. The first part THE CHILDREN OF relates to us all being CHILDREN in the sense of subordinants of God (which we call the Universal Spirit), obedient to God and Universal Law. The end part ONE essentially means GOD. Rather than a giant silver-haired man in the sky, we consider God to be the totality of everything that exists - the Universe itself even - thus God is the ONE. The middle part of the name THE LAW OF comes from the fact that within THE ONE, there are Universal Laws that govern the operation and function of everything in the Universe (applying to all things, all vibration, physical or spiritual). Put this all back together again, the CHILDREN of the LAW of ONE then essentially means "those who obey Universal Law and serve the Universal Spirit".

Something that is very important, is being in harmony with, one with, and a servant of, God. The primary key to that, is Loving Unselfishly.

The rule of loving others unselfishly is sometimes called the GOLDEN RULE. Many individuals and religions believe in the same concept. Unfortunately, the GOLDEN RULE is seldom lived by, or focussed on. It is often over looked, and not given the major significance it deserves.

The teachings and heritage of the Children of the Law of One pre-date Buddhism, and all other religions. Keep in mind that while you may find bits of the Children’s teachings here and there in many other spiritual traditions and religions, they are also unique unto themselves. Keep in mind that any teachings, including these, are not as important as simply applying Unselfish Love, kindness, and compassion in your life, regardless of the source. This is where many have gone wrong - making the teachings, or the leaders, or the religions, more important than the point of what they were really for in the first place.

Think about what you know of the lives of Buddha and Jesus. Do you see anything that conflicts? Or do you see examples of love and compassion - indications of similarity? So what do you think the source of these paths that they spawned, the source of their teachings, the source of their examples, if not the same understanding or the same God?

They all teach of a Oneness, or a Oneness God, yet they may disagree over names or particulars. And most importantly, they believe in God-ness, good-ness, compassion, and Unselfish Love as THE way of life.

The Earthly lineage of the Children of the Law of One actually begins with the time of Atlantis. The Children of the Law of One was the spiritual order of those in Atlantis who lived a spiritual life - those who were compassionate, kind, harmless, and wanted to maintain Oneness with God.

When Atlantis was on the verge of final destruction from the great upheavals, branches of the Children, having read the signs, went to various places on Earth. The main group went with the Children’s grand master Thoth, to Egypt, to continue the great work. After many years in Egypt, that particular branch of the Children went to Tibet. These Atlantean Children of the Law of One, including the grand master, were the ancestral founders of their monastery in Tibet.

All through commonly known human history, the Children of the Law of One continued to maintain their center in Tibet. But some of its teachers made the great sacrifice of leaving their brothers and sisters in the monastery, to help people in the outside world. They humbly and lovingly traveled throughout the world bringing light into the darkness of the ages. The teachings and influence of these Children, have become the foundations of many other paths, religions, and legends.

Love can mean sex. Love can mean you really like something. Love can mean the pleasure of thrill you get from someone you have a romantic relationship with. Or love can mean compassion, kindness, caring, giving, sharing - that’s the kind of love that brings true happiness, inner peace. It’s the kind of love we all really need, and need to give - it’s the kind of love that would make the world a far better place. So if we wish to focus on developing this kind of love, we must clearly delineate it, and give it a name. Thus, we call it UNSELFISH LOVE because that is what it is.

The Children of the Law of One teach that God is ALL, and includes ALL. It is the One, that includes the many. It is within us, without us, and we are individual parts of the whole of it.

We know the Universe is One huge, probably infinite, something that is everywhere and everything - all existence as we know it. Even our bodies are comprised of stardust - the stuff of the Universe. Doesn’t it stand to reason then, that the One God must also be the very Universe itself? And if that is so, and there is some sort of design, consciousness, and energy that pervades the entire Universe - all of creation - wouldn’t that be God’s Spirit and Consciousness? Thus the consciousness of God IS the consciousness of the Universe. Universal Consciousness then, is a consciousness that is one and the same as God’s. And thus the Spirit of God, the life force that is all of creation, IS the Spirit of the Universe - The Universal Spirit. Once, all humans had the consciousness of their Oneness with The Universal Spirit, and that is why you are here - to regain that Universal Consciousness, and Oneness with God. Then you will be the lamps to help others regain their lost way also.

To summarize, The Children of the Law of One teach that The Universal Spirit, rather than being an individual - is a multiplicity that is One. It comprises, and is, all things in the entire Universe, together as One. It is the beingness, energy, essence, and life force that is everywhere and everything in the Universe, including us, including nature - and including the Universe itself. And it has a consciousness.

An early name for God was Elohim. The word Elohim, is plural, and both masculine and feminine. Thus it includes the concept of a hierarchy of spiritual beings that also comprise God, and insinuates that God is neither an individual person, nor a He. This also leaves room to include all of creation, all beings, including humans, as being part of God. Thus the Elohim concept of God, is similar to what the Atlantean Children of the Law of One teach about the Universal Spirit.

The teachings in this book are not from, or by, any religion - and they are not religious teachings. Yet they do teach about the Universal Spirit, our relationship to it, and our place in the Universe.

The teachings of the Atlantean Children of the Law of One, were developed by beings who were One with God and The Universe, so to speak. They had Universal Consciousness, and thus an awareness that included the spiritual realms (which permeate, and are the foundation of all physical things in the Universe). This high or spiritua" consciousness gave them a great understanding of everything in life, including us, God, and Universal Laws and Truths (we will also refer to these Laws and Truths, as Universal Principles). The teachings are thus reflections of these greater understandings of the Big picture", and present Universal Principles within them. They are a kind of the facts of life in the Universe, that most people have lost touch with, and are thus living out of harmony with. These Universal Principles are also aspects of The Universal Spirit. They are all things we once knew, and were aware of - because we also were once higher consciousness beings. But that was in a time when our spiritual natures were dominant, and we were still in a state of Oneness with The Universal Spirit. Most people have lost so much awareness, that they aren’t even aware of the fact that they aren’t aware that they are part of this One universe. But all people still have some awareness of their lost heritage deeply buried within them - it is just asleep or suppressed". This is one area where the ancient teachings are important - because of what they can do to help put us back in touch.

The words, teachings, and beliefs expressed in this book can be a catalyst for positive change, and stimulate inspiration and awareness. They can also help you gain an awareness of the Universal Principles that are the fundamental guiding forces of all creation, including human life.

You don’t need to fully understand the teachings intellectually in order to recover from your spiritual amnesia" - just reading them and grasping the spirit of them, can still have an effect.

As you begin to expand your consciousness beyond yourself, you start realizing (not just believing or having faith) that there is more to life and the Universe than meets the eye. Creation isn’t just haphazard. There is One Great Something behind it all. And it pervades everything, including you, including all other people, animals, life, even the Earth and the Universe. As your Universal/Spiritual consciousness continues to grow, you start understanding the underlying connection of everything more and more, until you eventually have the realization that others are actually part of you, and you a part of them, and you are ALL one. Brothers and Sisters - all Children of One Universal God. As your spiritual consciousness grows, you also feel, and manifest, Unselfish Love, and the ‘real world’ spiritual values that are reflections of Unselfishly Loving - Caring, Kindness, Compassion, Giving and Harmlessness. THESE are the things that ARE truly important and the earmarks of TRUE SPIRITUALITY.

One of the main things that develops spiritual consciousness, is developing your Unselfish Love for others, feeling Unselfish Love, and practicing kindness, caring, giving, and harmlessness. So most importantly, the teachings have the potential to stimulate and inspire the reader to do what it takes to actually manifest in their lives, these true spiritual qualities.

If such a spiritual change takes place within you, then all the people you come into contact with as you walk through your life, will be better off from having known you, and then they too will still have the ability to change, and spread the beauty of Unselfish Love to others still - and on and on. Like multiple ripples in a pond that go on and on from throwing just one rock, your Unselfish Love can make you a part of, and a vehicle for, the Universal Spirit, as it moves through you, us, and thus throughout the world.

When you become enlightened, you are very, very busy, helping others to attain the same freedom, peace, and Unselfish Love you have found, or you go on and ascend to a higher vibrational plane. If you stay, you work for the Universal Spirit, so to speak. You align your will, with Universal Will, and thus you become very busy doing your little part in the Universal Flow".

So go ahead and let yourself go, and look very closely, with an open mind and heart. Spirituality is simple. Love is simple. Truth is simple. Enlightenment is simple. It’s all basic stuff that we all really know deep inside somehow, yet most people don’t live by it, and they’ve blocked it out. A book like this helps to remind you and inspire you.

According to the teachings of the Atlantean Children of the Law of One, Universal Principles dictate that the kind of world you live in, and the creation of your future world is all up to you. It is entirely your choice, and in your power to change - all by just making changes in yourself.

As you attain higher consciousness, you will come to understand that the same Universal Principle that makes oil and water separate and find their own levels, also applies to people, and even their essence, spirits, or souls. Every individual, will ultimately end up in the kind of world they belong in, with others like them. So if you want to live in a world of Unselfishly Loving people who are kind, and care about each other, you simply need to be like one of those people - or change to become one.

There may be trials and tribulations as you change inside to become a better person, but ultimately, it will be done, if it is your will to do so. The world outside you will change according to the changes you make within you.

Of course, the ultimate change is enlightenment, and gaining Universal Consciousness. As a result of that extreme of an internal change, everything in your life will change radically. And it goes beyond the physical boundaries of your life. Also, when you attain Universal Consciousness, you will no longer be a prisoner to the physical plane. You can come and go. And when your physical life is over, you can choose to come back to help others, or ascend to a paradisiacal spiritual existence. It’s all up to you. Everyone’s own world is up to them, from their immediate little world, to the Universal plane they exist in.

And don’t think it is such an impossible task to achieve enlightenment. Start by just becoming a really good person. If you can achieve that, becoming enlightened is then just one step further.

This new order of light involves the kindling of a very old idea. It involves many people waking up to, and recognizing the vital importance of, the GOLDEN RULE (and really working to apply it in their lives). The GOLDEN RULE (which is essentially just Be Unselfishly Loving), is so basic and simple, it has often been overlooked. Yes, it’s an old concept. But IT IS THE MOST IMPORTANT SPIRITUAL TEACHING IN THE WORLD. It is at the core of the ancient teachings. It is the very crux of true spirituality for all people regardless of faith, or lack of faith.

Like a smile, it is Universal, crossing all barriers of language, culture, and religion - every good person on Earth, regardless of other beliefs, agrees with it, and can find common ground in it.

The beliefs and teachings that the Children of the Law of One had, and have, were not formed based on faith. Most of the basis of them came from Atlantis, and thus to us, our knowledge, philosophies, and practices are simply gleaned from the scientific facts of Universal Laws that govern all things in the Universe, including the use of the mind and energy. Thus, even today, understanding the substance of even the ancient beliefs’, requires no faith, but rather a certain quality of intuitive logic. In fact, the path urges us not to take the teachings on faith, but to EXPERIENCE God and higher consciousness directly. That way we can really know, rather than just taking something on faith and hoping really bad that its true. There is no more powerful way to change your life in a real and lasting way, than to directly experience Universal Consciousness, and thus experience and know Oneness with the Universal Spirit/God.

The teachings both give methods to expand our awareness and directly experience God and Universal Consciousness. The ancient Atlantean teachings offer us a way to understand the effects of Universal Laws on our lives, and thus a way to benefit from them.

True spirituality is tied to Universal Laws. The scientific basis in the teachings makes the ways and beliefs of the Children of the Law of One more simple and unique. As opposed to other religious orders, it is a natural religion, or more appropriately, a natural spiritual path. It is natural because it is based on nature - not just the nature of this planet, but the nature of the Universe. It was founded on an understanding of the way the Universe functions, and endeavors to apply the laws and flow that govern it, to human conditions. Rather than encouraging blind faith in an unknown God and a dogma, it encourages knowing and experiencing the Universal Spirit yourself, and becoming One with it. By these very virtues, it is not as much a religion, as it is a way of being One with All of creation, and the Creator both.

The very essence of this path is very clear, and very simple - Unselfish Love.

Everyone can understand the healing and good that comes from Kindness, compassion, caring, giving, harmlessness. Those are the virtues of Unselfish Love - the things that really matter. And they are also the ultimate keys of returning to and being in harmony with the Universal Spirit, and what the Children of the Law of One are all about.

Regardless of whether or not you believe it, your beliefs control your destiny, so they need to be closely scrutinized for what they create in your life.

It doesn’t really matter what beliefs a person has, as long as the beliefs they have yield those virtues of Unselfish Love that have been mentioned here. Beliefs have a dominant and powerful effect on every aspect of our lives! People even kill over beliefs.

Religious beliefs are frequently based on faith, and they are most often something we are ‘taught to believe’ early in life, by our family’s religious beliefs and religion. Other beliefs are absorbed also, from our cultures.

How can this be that just an idea, a belief, controls our destiny? A belief itself is but an idea, it has no real substance. But we act based upon our beliefs. The actions we take, because of our beliefs, have effects. And only the effects, the results, of those actions, are things we can see, feel and grasp. This is very important to realize. Because the effects of our actions, which result from our beliefs, are precisely the things that can be used to determine the value, good or bad, of any given belief.

What should we believe for the greatest good for ourselves and the world? Unselfishly Loving all beings is a belief of the Children of the Law of One, and the essence of the teachings. Caring about others, compassion, and kindness are qualities of Unselfish Love.

Most people don’t even think about what they are creating as a result of their beliefs. Do your beliefs further the manifestations of Unselfish Love, or inhibit the manifestations of Unselfish Love? Do they breed anger, hatred, and harm or tranquility, love, and healing? Do they make for a better life, or a worse life? Do they make for a better world for others, or a worse world?

People have used the beliefs, and been driven by their beliefs, to hurt and murder those with different beliefs. Why? The teachings make it clear that the primary culprit is our separateness from Universal Consciousness (and God). And regardless of the teachings, isn’t it obvious?

Separateness gives most all people of the world, the basis for their belief in the illusion that we are separate beings, not One being manifesting itself in many forms. This separateness spawns differences and selfishness. How much harm has been done in the names of God, Country, or Tribe? How much horror and pain has been inflicted because someone has a different racial, national, tribal, class, or religious belief?

Any individual who wants to grow, attain enlightenment, or be a really good person, must completely re-evaluate their beliefs in the light of the effects those beliefs have, where they come from, and why.

The difference of who you are, and what you do, with Universal Consciousness, is as night and day. That is why when you finally REALIZE Universal Consciousness, that is, when it finally is what you have achieved, it is called ‘enlightenment’ or ‘illumination’. It is as if a light switch has been turned on in a life that has been lived in darkness.





What follows herein has been taken directly from The Children of the Law of One - The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel, but paraphrased where possible.

It is much easier for you to understand Universal Consciousness, if you first understand separate consciousness. Then you will at least understand what Universal Consciousness IS NOT.

Most individuals have a limited point of view dictated by the very fact that they are separate individuals. They are each seeing things from a different place, a different point, literally. And they see only from their separate individual ‘place’. There are as many ‘places’ that a person will see from as there are persons. And the trouble is, seeing from only one ‘place’ doesn’t allow seeing a ‘whole picture’, or a ‘big picture’.

A broad point of view can help us better understand others, better understand the world, and ultimately the entire Universe around us. If our point of view is broad enough, it lets us better understand other points of view - then we can more easily communicate or interact with others, and they can more easily communicate with us. For instance, the point of view of each individual reading the ancient texts, or any book, is going to be different, thus they will perceive it many different ways, thus it will be perceived differently than it really is, and differently than it was intended to be perceived.

When we talk about the state of a person’s consciousness, we are essentially talking about the state of their awareness of the world around them. And as such, a person’s consciousness is directly related to the way they view, interpret, understand, and interact with, everyone and everything around them.

A person’s point of view is affected by both the state of their consciousness, and their beliefs and programming. Beliefs and programming are usually in sync with a person’s level of consciousness. However, consciousness is dominant, and if there is a shift to a higher or lower state, the new consciousness can alter and override a person’s beliefs and programming in order to match the new level of consciousness.

Every human being is obviously an individual self. And most people are both conscious’ that they are an individual self, and believe that their individual self is separate from other people, and everything else in the Universe. Thus, people generally have separate self consciousness, and live their lives based on this consciousness.

The point of view is very limited and the perspective is narrow’, when a person has separate self consciousness. It is a point of view that will have limited understanding. And if a person has such limited understanding, what kind of thoughts are they limited to? And if their thoughts are from such limited perception and understanding, what kind of action will they take regarding other people, and the world around them?

All problems spring forth from this.

The fact is, all things in the Universe are essentially made of the same stuff, and are totally interdependent and connected. So we cannot be truly separate from the rest of the Universe, we can only be a part of it all. But we can think we are separate. We can believe we are separate. And then we act like we are separate.

Having separate self consciousness doesn’t mean that you are really separate, but it does mean having a total illusion of separateness from everyone and everything else in the Universe. And when a person truly believes they are separate, they naturally focus on themselves. And when someone believes they are separate, and they focus their attention, and their energy, on their self, this naturally leads to selfishness. This is the BIG issue. The BIG problem of all problems. The only REAL problem. As silly and simple as it sounds, it is serious - simple selfishness is the root of all problems and evils that exist on Earth. This is one of the greatest, most important teachings to understand.

Where there is such separate consciousness as humans have, everyone perceives everyone else in an us and them, and a me against the world fashion. When this occurs, which it naturally must with separateness, there will naturally be attempts to get, or take, from others, and keep others from getting what you have. Where does all this leave us? Where there is separateness and selfishness, there will be strife, discord, injustice, taking from others, harm to other beings, creatures, the environment, etc.

Why is there selfishness and thus all these evils? Because it is the natural outcome of separate self consciousness - of thinking you are separate from the Universe, and thus all things in existence.

What is the only cure for evil, suffering, and all problems? Losing separate consciousness and selfishness by regaining consciousness of our Oneness with everything. Universal Consciousness.

How can one regain Universal Consciousness? Through Unselfish Love, self-sacrifice, caring, giving, seeing the illusions of self consciousness that we carry with us in our mind, and breaking them.

I’m talking about an internal way of being, a consciousness, that includes sensitivity, compassion, and freedom - and caring about all people, creatures, all creation, as much as you do about your self.

Are governments bad? No. Just incomplete. They won’t ever solve all the problems, or work properly unless people themselves change inside. Why? Because the people running the government have the same separate consciousness, and when they get power, you see the worst of selfishness, and they can appeal to the selfishness of the populace, to get what they want. The Children teach that only when all people have Universal Consciousness, and everyone is primarily governed from within by the Universal Spirit, will there ever be peace and harmony, and freedom from tyranny on Earth.

Outside of the Earth, the entire Universe functions is a beautiful, orderly, harmonious flow. On Earth, humans with separate self consciousness, are the only things that are out of step with the flow of nature, and the Universe. And the results of this have been disharmony, disruption, and destruction. That’s why the teachings of the Children of the Law of One promote the attainment of Universal Consciousness, by any means that works for you.

Universal Consciousness is attained when a person has a lasting experience in which they see through their illusion of separateness, and lose their separate self consciousness. Their consciousness then merges’ with the Universe - thus they experience being One with the Universe. This is often the result of going through a conscious psychological death experience, brought on by meditation and other aspects of a spiritual path. The illusion of separateness dissolves in the awareness of Oneness. And with the dissolution of the illusion of separateness, the separate self seems to die, and a rebirth’ occurs. Separate self consciousness is transcended and transformed. The dominant consciousness becomes that of the Inner Self, the part of us that is the Universal Spirit - thus, we have Universal Consciousness. When experienced properly, a person is never the same, and never sees things the same way again. From then on, all things are understood in the light of the biggest picture, in the light of being One with the Universal Spirit (God). Selfishness thus becomes a thing of the past. This is also called achieving enlightenment, and a few other names.

What if you really had an awareness of being One with everything - even God, even all other separate selves? How would you see things then? And how would you treat everyone and everything? If you absolutely KNOW that every person you are dealing with, is you, just in a different form, how will you treat yourself (others)? Is there any point in stealing from yourself? Hurting yourself? Is there any point in being tyrannical with yourself?

A being with Universal Consciousness Loves everyone unselfishly, and is (within the needs of Universal flow), giving, kind, compassionate, caring, knowing, and harmless (that doesn’t mean incapable of defending the innocent). Why? It just is their reality - it is just natural.

It is as natural for a person with Universal Consciousness to be totally giving, as it is for a person with separate self consciousness to be selfish. But a person with Universal Consciousness is focused outward, and thus they are like an energy beacon, a Sun, always giving energy.

So piercing this illusion of separation, and attaining Universal Consciousness, is the answer to the entire world’s problems.

If everyone had Universal Consciousness, there would be no need for the kind of governments we have now, for all would be governed as One from within themselves. Just imagine a world in which everyone is conscientious, caring, and responsible. And where such behavior is not coerced by threats of prison or death, or even convincing of any kind. No need for religions to try to influence people to behave morally. No need for police, armies, government, etc. because Unselfish Love and service to Universal Will is all fixed within every being.

There are planes of existence other than the physical plane on Earth, into which only Universally Conscious beings can enter. Paradise does already exist.

When you have Universal Consciousness, you take everything much more seriously, and not seriously at all. Nothing can ever really be destroyed, or created. It can only change form. For all is One. Take you for example. I Love you. I truly am aware every moment that I may never see you again on Earth. You may die tonight. I may have a stroke when I leave this room, and be unable to communicate or even grasp your hand. So I appreciate you so much more, life so much more, and I cherish our being here right now. And thus I behave differently. If I were to fight with you, and say unkind thing, or hurt you in any way, I know I may never get a chance to make amends, or even apologize, and that would be the way we ended our relationship here and now. This may be our last chance to be together in this way, or for a long time. And at the same time, it doesn’t matter because we are all just the One, interacting, changing form, coming in and going out. The only thing that does matter really, is that those of you who think and believe and live as separate, are suffering. Suffering needlessly.

The closer you get to attaining Universal Consciousness, the greater your point of view will become, and the more you will intuitively see the whole picture, or whole situation. But while a person who has attained Universal Consciousness may see the whole picture to the greatest extent possible on Earth, even they don’t see it all while still embodied. We can achieve this in deep meditation, but when we again return to full physical plane function, we can only grasp the essence of what we understood in our ultimate point of view state. That is why the Children teach that getting out of our own way, and allowing ourselves to be an instrument of the Universal Spirit (God), is the greatest wisdom.

When we have thus become an instrument of the Universal Spirit, we are then always watched over by our ascended, hierarchical kin, and guided when necessary.

Our Inner Being is One with the Universal Spirit, and when we allow it to come out, and take control of us, we become an active link in the hierarchical chain of Universally Conscious beings. As part of the chain, we are both led by the movement of the entire chain, and we become the chain. While we are still Earth-bound, and fettered by the limitations of the physical plane, others of our chain (our hierarchical superiors), are not so limited. They too unselfishly care for all life, but they are in a higher state of conscious Oneness with the Universe than we on Earth, and have an infinite view. And as ONE, we can receive guidance from these other parts of our chain, these beautiful beings who have an unfettered all-encompassing point of view.

Know your true self, and you will know the true story. Know your whole self, and you will know the wholeness of the truth.

ALL is One. There is no other. Thus it always was, and thus it always shall remain. We once experienced only Oneness. One being, with no divisions or separate parts. There was no time, no space, nothing other than the Us. Still One being - now in many parts were we - capable of pretending" to be other than One, while still being One in harmonious consciousness.

Some in the future will claim that since it is all ONE, there is no right or wrong, no good or evil. But even though there is an element of truth - we are all One anyway, and thus, none of this really matters, there is an important consideration - the lack of consciousness by some, does create suffering, and does create disharmonious vibrations within the One. When you are suffering, do you not want a remedy, do you not want help to stop it? If you were suffering needlessly, because of the illusions of good/evil/right/wrong, would you not want to have this pointed out, and have assistance in finding a remedy? Thus, is not the remedy good? Is it not right? Do you have a care about the suffering of your brothers and sisters?

The teachings of the Children of the Law of One are very simple, and have two basic aspects to them, which are referred to as a foundation, and an essence’. The foundation of the teachings is basically this: all beings, all things, are One, and suffering is the result of humans forgetting that, and not acting as One. Thus all the problems on Earth would cease with the achievement of Universal consciousness. So breaking the illusion of separation, and returning to conscious awareness of Oneness should be our goal if we want to exist in a positive and harmonious world. And the teachings stress personal experience of Oneness with the Universe through any meditation, or spiritual attunement method that works for you - not taking them on faith, or intellectualizing if from a book or lecture.

But while the foundation of the teachings is Oneness, the essence of the teachings is Unselfish Love. It is considered both the most important means to achieve Universal Consciousness, and the end result. And the end certainly justifies the means in this case.

Above ALL, Love.


What follows herein has been taken directly from The Children of the Law of One - The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel, but paraphrased where possible.

God is not Loving
God is not Unloving
God is Love
Give Love and You Give God
Give Love and You Get God

The Universal One is Love

Find Oneness at ALL Cost
In finding Oneness, you find God
In finding Oneness, you find yourself
In finding Oneness, you find Real Love
Living as One, is to Unselfishly Love ALL
Living as One, is to Unselfishly Love yourself
To find Oneness, Unselfishly Love others
Before yourself

True Love is Unselfish
True Love is Givingness
True Love flows out like the waters
Nurturing all who would drink from it
True Love does as the Stars
True Love does as the Sun - it shines
on the evil as well as the righteous
True Love seeks nothing in return

True Love is Untainted by Wants
True Love desires only the furtherance of True Love
True Love is Strong in the Right
True Love is Indignant in the face of Deceit
True Love is Kind
True Love is Compassionate
True Love is Creation

To become Truly Loving
Find someone who Truly Loves
Empty Yourself, and let their Love fill you
Then keep not the Love you have found
to yourself
For only in giving it away
Will you always have it

Unselfish Love is the Way of Daily Balance

a world
Full of people who are ALL Loving Unselfishly
does any self go without receiving love?
ALL receive Love

a world
full of people who ALL love selfishly
do any go without receiving love?
None receive Love

Feel Unselfish Love

If Your Thoughts
Are Not Accompanied
By Feeling Unselfish Love,
Can What You Are Thinking Be Correct?

Unselfish Love and Oneness are bound together like two sides of a coin.

Selfishly based love is a condition of negative polarity - the way of taking. It is always sucking energy. This is the exact opposite of the condition of positive polarity - the way of being giving. The way’ of being giving, could also be called Unselfish Loving.

It is a basic precept of the Children, that in order to achieve a Universal consciousness, and fully understand the Universe and our place in it, you must Unselfishly Love. So it is important to recognize and differentiate between Loving Unselfishly, and loving in a selfish, possessive way.

Start by contemplating your motives for giving or loving. In other words, when you are giving, what do you personally stand to lose or gain from that giving? Is there a selfish motive involved at all? If so, it contaminates any real unselfish giving and Love that may have been there also.

What I would call true Love, is simply Unselfish Love. Unselfish Love radiates to all without exception, so powerfully that it transcends your separate self and IS God’s Love flowing through you, to others. You become the vessel that is channeling the Universal Spirit (while also being the Universal Spirit). It gives to all who would receive. If your love is not one that gives to all and loves all, then it is a selfishly based love, not true Love, not pure Love, not Unselfish Love.

There are few situations in which most people experience giving pure Unselfish Love, and the unselfish joy that comes from giving it. Mothers have the greatest opportunity for this, because of the very nature of their relationship with their children. Most mothers will find joy just knowing they have done something good for their child, or that their child is happy. Some parents, both mothers and fathers, have experienced the feeling of the joy of giving unselfishly, when they give their child a gift that is from Santa Claus’, rather than from Mom or Dad (thus not getting ‘credit’ for the gift). Also, most mothers would be willing to die for their children. Part of that is genetics of the human animal, but another part is Unselfish Love. A mother is generally happy, rather than jealous, when their grown child finds a mate and a pleasurable relationship. There are exceptions to this of course. One such exception which can result in strong feelings of jealousy, and dislike towards the grown child’s mate, is when there is karma involving past relationship ties between a mother and child. If the mother, in a past life, disliked, liked, or was romantically involved with the person who is now her child, there can be problems. Or if the mother disliked or was jealous of the child’s new mate in a past life, there will be discord.

So there is no reciprocation of love when you Love Unselfishly? There can be, but there doesn’t need to be. If you feel a need for reciprocation, you aren’t purely loving Unselfishly. Being Giving, Unselfishly Loving, warms the heart and is beneficial to the giver, and the one who is being given to. Unselfish Love is its own reward. The Universal Spirit is Love. We are like faucets and the Universal Spirit is like water. When you open up and let the water flow to all, you are constantly being filled with the water as it passes through. But if you close the faucet off because you mainly desire to keep the water for yourself, it doesn’t flow through you, and you are left empty.

The people who are thus empty because they don’t outflow their Love, then start looking in a different direction for something to fill them up. If a relationship diversion won’t do it for them, if they are not loving and getting love from their relationships, they do other things. Even if they stay with someone, they must look for diversions to fill the emptiness of the lack of love and God in their hearts and lives. Desperately they think, constantly keeping the brain busy so they won’t be aware of their emptiness. They pursue selfish pleasures and amusements of all kinds. But there is never any peace, and never any real or lasting satisfaction - only a temporary fix. And like the drug addict who needs a fix, the more it gets the more it needs/wants. But the pleasure never lasts, and the feeling is never the same as the joy you get from giving, and ultimately the connection to the Universal Spirit that is made through giving. They’re left with that hollowness again, and the need to find some other distraction.

So one should only seek to Love others, and not receive love? Don’t misunderstand, there is nothing wrong with receiving love, taking love. In fact, receiving Unselfish Love is wonderful. It is when you only conditionally give love, under the guise of love, in order to get something for yourself, that is wrong. It is a serious problem in the world.

I have heard it said that you must love yourself first. Only then can you love others. But this seems contradictory to the Children’s teachings.

There is nothing wrong with loving yourself either - unless that is a rationalization for actually being selfish, which is often the case. But you can really, Unselfishly Love your self. In fact, it is unavoidable if you Love Unselfishly at all. Because when you Love Unselfishly, you Love ALL, and that includes your self. And when you Love Unselfishly, you feel so good about yourself that you can’t avoid loving yourself. But you don’t ever really feel good about yourself when you love selfishly - your self might feel good temporarily, but you don’t feel good about yourself. And if you don’t feel good about yourself, how could you really be loving yourself? And how could a heart full of selfishness even find room for truly loving its self simultaneously? So it is backwards - what they say about loving yourself first. Now remember this - instead of loving yourself first, Unselfishly Love others first, and you will truly love yourself automatically. You just can’t go wrong that way. The other is too often just a clever trick of the selfish separate self, to rationalize selfishness.

‘I’ll scratch your back if you scratch mine’. You’ve heard that before, yes? That kind of love is conditional. It will only give if it is getting what it wants. That’s what most relationships are built upon, that mutual agreement to give to each others’ selves. Here’s another one you must have heard before, "It must be give and take". No. It must be ‘give and give’ in order to work, because if it’s ‘give and take’, what happens when both feel they should be taking at the same time and think the other should be giving? And that happens all the time. Relationships like that don’t last; they are disintegrating and full of turmoil, for each self wants and fears, and when it doesn’t get what it wants or is confronted with its fears and dislikes, problems start. When people enter relationships like that, everything is perfume and roses for a while (honeymoon period) because the selves are each getting so much energy, so much self-gratification. But after awhile, one of the partners in the relationship always falls short, and doesn’t give as much as the other wants - then negativity begins to snowball in a familiar cycle. One partner feels slighted and says or does something to hurt the other. Then the other reciprocates and hurts back. This negativity builds strength and momentum each time it goes back and forth. The relationship is damaged. Sometimes the damage can’t ever be repaired. It can be no other way in selfishly based relationships - Universal Law is in effect here. Only in Unselfish Love is peace found, both for the giver, and the receiver.

The biggest warning sign of selfish love is jealousy. Selfish love is also possessive, and thus must spawn the most horrible and destructive emotion that exists: jealousy. Selfish love can only bring negativity and destruction in the end.

If you have true Love for someone or something, Unselfish Love, you want the object of your Love to be free and happy, regardless of the consequences to you.

Unselfish Love is the most important way of being that there is.


What follows herein has been taken directly from The Children of the Law of One - The Lost Teachings of Atlantis by Jon Peniel, but paraphrased where possible.

Virtually everyone can agree that kindness, compassion, caring, giving, creation are good things. Thus, these things are far more significant than any belief, any teaching, any wisdom, any knowledge.

We call these traits the basic spiritual virtues or qualities, and they are the natural result of true spiritual growth. If these qualities are not the outcome of your growth, then the growth is not really spiritual.

True spiritual growth moves you away from the world of separateness and selfishness, and towards Universal Consciousness and Oneness. Such a shift in consciousness can only result in caring for all - for you realize that all beings are you (the Universal Spirit).

Compassion is the greatest of all these virtues that are a part of Unselfish Love. Compassion means feeling for others, caring about others. A person without compassion is truly empty and cold. There is such a thing as imbalanced compassion however. If compassion clouds the mind, and alone dictates your actions, you can make mistakes and end up harming yourself, and the ones you care about.

In the future after you are enlightened and have left here, when you meet people, it will almost always be the first time they have ever met someone who really Loves them. And you will often be a stranger to them. It will always be a blessing for them, even though they may not know it, or now what’s going on. It will be more powerful than your words (even though it will be in harmony with both your words and your actions).

Because the experience of being Unselfishly Loved involves feeling something from someone, something subtle possibly, but something that you’ve never felt before. It also involves and inner spiritual kindling, a knowing, and actually seeing an example of the way someone lives and acts when they are Universally Conscious. Most people can’t Love Unselfishly, until they experience being Loved Unselfishly first.

Too few have experienced the impact of being in the presence of a being who is fully Unselfishly Loving. It is because they have not been willing to experience it within themselves - they have not been willing to surrender to the Universal Spirit within them. When a person is willing to begin to change, to start to Unselfishly Love, then they will meet someone who Loves them Unselfishly.

Experiencing being Loved by a totally Unselfishly Loving being is a great blessing, and this can spark the flame of Unselfish Love within the loved one (if they are open to change and to begin giving themselves). Unselfish Love can spread this way.

Know that there will be great pain. Because often those who you have completely opened up your great heart to, and made yourself vulnerable to through your Love, will hurt you. You already know though, that such is the price of being a loving servant of the Universal Spirit.

Most people have never experienced pure Unselfish Love, either giving it or receiving it. And how can anyone expect to even know what it is unless someone first Loves them unselfishly?

Earlier you read that Unselfish Love and Oneness were like two sides of a coin. Unselfish Love is what a person does, who knows they are One with God, the Universal Spirit. Unselfish Love is the way of the flow of the Universe, the way of the One. Unselfish Love is both the end result of breaking our illusion of separateness, and a way of attaining Oneness.

Living life with an attitude of Unselfish Love is the technique of a Universal lifestyle. And that is the essence within all the Children’s teachings.

Unselfish Love is the way of eternal everyday meditation. It spans 24 hours a day, everyday. Meditation has often been considered a process of stilling the mind, but that is not the whole of it. Just the stilling of the mind can be relaxation, concentration, or discipline. These build your mind into a strong tool for the Universal Spirit, but are prerequisite to true meditation. The mind must be still for you to be a channel for Spirit. Of what good is any belief or growth’ method if it doesn’t make life better, more kind, more beautiful? The opportunity to grow, to give, and to Unselfishly Love is here every moment. Your whole life can be a constant meditation, meditation in action, a flow in harmony with Universal flow. This is the song of life; the art of living. For when one truly attains Universal Consciousness, everything else, every thought, every action, reflects it. It is a change from a life of wanting and fearing to a life of giving and security.

The essence of it all is to manifest the Universal Spirit in, and through, the physical vehicle (body-mind-self) by living a life of Unselfish Love.

Thank you for sharing your valuable time with me.
